May the Farts be With You

Because we are both geeky AND mature, the girls and I decided it would be fun to add the word “fart” to many popular Star Wars quotes.  We think it went well.

Obi Wan: I have a bad feeling about this Qui Gon: I don't smell anything.

Obi Wan: I have a bad feeling about this
Qui Gon: I don’t smell anything.

Jar-Jar: Oh, no meesa didn't poot that time!

Jar-Jar: Oh, no meesa didn’t poot that time!

His gaseous levels are off the charts!

His gaseous levels are off the charts!

Anakin: Heh, I left a ripe one in the Jedi chamber!

Anakin: Heh, I left a ripe one in the Jedi chamber!

Obi Won: Anakin, you farted again. Anakin: I'm sorry, Master.

Obi Wan: Anakin, you farted again.
Anakin: I’m sorry, Master.

Anakin: I farted Padme: Hee hee, me too!

Anakin: I farted
Padme: Hee hee, me too!

Anakin, you're breaking the wind . . .

Anakin, you’re breaking the wind . . .

Obi Wan: Anakin you were the chosen . . . one . . oh, pew, even NOW?

Obi Wan: Anakin you were the chosen . . . one . . oh, p-u, even NOW?

Leia: I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board Tarkin: It wasn't me.

Leia: I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board
Tarkin: It wasn’t me.
Vadar: (hums)

Obi Wan: Use the farts, Luke

Obi Wan: Use the farts, Luke

Leia: Will someone get this farting carpet out of my way?

Leia: Will someone get this farting carpet out of my way?

You must feeeel the farts inside you.

You must feeeel the farts inside you.

Threepio: I am familiar with over 6 million forms of communication R2-D2: farrrrrt Threepio: Not that one.

C-3PO: I am familiar with over 6 million forms of communication
R2-D2: farrrrrt
C-3PO: Not that one.

Burrito is mine, or I help you not.

Burrito is mine, or I help you not.

Yoda: Burritos lead to gas, gas leads to farts, farts lead to sufferinnnnng

Yoda: Burritos lead to gas, gas leads to farts, farts lead to sufferinnnnng

Leia: I farted Han: I know.

Leia: I farted
Han: I know.

Vader: I have altered your meal plan . . . poooooooot . . . pray I don't alter it any further. Lando: My gas is getting worse all the time!

Vader: I have altered your meal plan . . . poooooooot . . . pray I don’t alter it any further.
Lando: My gas is getting worse all the time!

Vader: Search your insides, you know it to be true . . . blarrrrttttt Luke: Nooooooo!

Vader: Search your insides, you know it to be true . . . blarrrrttttt
Luke: Nooooooo!

Emperor: Oh, I'm afraid my digestive system is fully operational . . . blarrrrrt

Emperor: Oh, I’m afraid my digestive system is fully operational . . . blarrrrrt

Felt a disturbance in the Force, I did.  Wait - that was me.

Felt a disturbance in the Force, I did. Wait – that was me.

Got any stinky quotes of your own?

35 responses

  1. As a Star Wars lover, this horrified and disturbed me. And made me laugh. I’m so confused…

      1. This is entirely possible.

    1. Haha, why thank you. Blart.

  2. you’re really breaking the wind…. thanks for a super post, now this moanday looks a little better :o)

    1. I thought a farting post would be good for a Monday. Glad it helped!

  3. speechless – PHBPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTT (that was from my nether regions).

    1. I thought I’d go with intellectual on a Monday.

      1. Good choice – now to get some dutch oven action…

        1. Yoda is the easiest one. Those expressions. Feel the fart surround youuuu.

  4. I just farted in honor of this post. In my very small office. With poor ventilation.

    Send the rescue dogs…

    1. An honorary fart? Yay!

      The dogs passed out.

  5. Your farts betray you, Master.

    1. That bean burrito will give you gas . . . I have foreseen it!

      1. Obi-Wan: That fart was our only hope.
        Yoda: No. There is another.

  6. I laughed so hard….almost farted I did.

    1. That’s a new one! Laughing so hard I farted. LOLF. It will catch on, I know.

  7. Ha, I love the Yoda ones! Er, I mean, my teenage boys would love the Yoda ones. I’m far too sophisticated. 😉

    1. Yes, this was mostly my children’s doing, of course. No help from me. Nopes.

  8. These had me cracking up! So funny. Great job and thanks for the laughs.

    1. Yay! Love Star Wars, but there are just so many cheesy lines that you can’t help yourself . . .

      1. Speak the truth, you do.

  9. “the blaster is such an inelegant weapon.”

    1. A fart is much more distinguished.

  10. Thanks for the afternoon hilarity!

    1. Thanks for laughing. 😀

  11. So now we know the answer to the question of whether you can fart in outer space….

    1. In space, no one can hear you fart. They can smell it though.

      1. And it smells like…… (wait for it)……. Uranus!

  12. “Luke, I am your ffffffffff…. Excuse me.”

  13. Brilliant. Love it. Fart jokes will never grow old.

    Actually… Maybe take every Beatles song and change the word “love” to “farts”… An idea for another post perhaps?

    1. All you need is farts . . .

      1. Exactly. (Apparently, some of the cast of Babylon 5 did this with the word “flarn” which is a made-up foodstuff eaten by the equally imaginary alien race called Minbari. It amused them for a good while.)

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