Remember how I said goodbye, forget that.

Hello?  Is it me you’re looking for?  Lionel Richie maybe?  Where is he anyway?  Alive, hopefully, or this is is awkward.

Good news, I am alive!  I thought about making a post so many times.  I had so many post  ideas – they were great posts, wonderful posts.  I  was going to review stuff like hurricanes. I hear they’re wet.  Or maybe just movies. I did review a few with the help of my Things and tiny wooden people.  You can see them if you look back.  Also, I got a lot of prep stuff for reviews like beauty masks (there are pictures I promise I will show one day including one with me wearing, I am not making this up, a penguin on my face) and make up and movies, etc.

The Things and I played with the prep stuff, but then did nothing with it.  It takes time to take pictures of little peg people and we were like, busy.  Or they were with school, and activities and staring at their laptops and stuff.  I was busy contemplating the universe, or possibly hoping my meds would work and then we got Netflix along with Amazon Prime, and the streaming Roku thing we already had, and that was that.  I’m not sure how Roku, or streaming, or Netflix works. I have multiple degrees, but those are in useful crap like liberal arts.  So I figure it’s like electricity – little fairies carrying T.V. programs and such fly across invisible wires to my television.  Well, sometimes.  Sometimes the fairies get lazy and I have to call those Internet people.  Freaking fairies.

I’m not actually stupid, I just don’t like researching electronics.  Just in case you recently got here and don’t know me.  Also the Things are my children.  And I have mythical friends named Sad Pony and Squirrel.  They say I’m sane.

What was I going to say here?  Hang on, there’s a point, unless you’re my husband in which case you gave up a while ago.  Oh, right, about the Things, and if you just got here, etc.  I recently – I think it was 2018 – said that I should start over with a new blog because I had changed so much in the last year and blah blah pretentious blah.  So I did start over, and then did nothing.

And then I realized that I hadn’t ever really changed after all.  I’m still Alice, and as far as I can tell, I pretty much still have the same personality as long as I am taking the right meds, etc., that I did when I was twelve.  Maybe this should have changed by now, I’m not sure, but I don’t really care cause I think it’s okay as it is.  Also, the whole idea of trying to make a blog where I only review things because that would be more organized was a bad idea.  I’m not organized.  It’s just not happening.

I pondered whether I should give up the whole blogging thing cause I was no longer funny, or no one wanted to read it, or if after forty I should do stuff like normal adults.  Whatever that is.  Cleaning, I think, and working a normal 40 hour job in which I get roughly 3 hours of work done a week and spend the rest of the time wishing I was at home.  Instead I am ferrying high school students (TWO of them) around and watching TV and buying health products cause I’m sure I’ll go to the gym if I have the right leggings.

But the blog posts never go away – I still write them in my head all the time.  That’s why my counselor originally said to write it down, since my angst according to her was funny.  Yes, this has all been a mental health exercise for me.  Yay you, reader.  I hope there’s a reader or two.  But I guess that’s not the most important thing, since I used to write like crazy even when my only readers were my best friend and this Indian guy who liked very large American women in patriotic bikinis.

So I’m going to do that again!  Uh, blog that is!  And I’m going to do it back on Aliceatwonderland cause I’m Alice, and on this blog you just know I’m Alice and that’s why.  Also I understand more of how to use this blog format.  So I’m back here.  If you followed the link, you found this post and a big sense of deja vu.

So I spent all that blathering to say I’m going back to my old blog and leaving Alice Reviews, though I’ll eventually transfer posts over before I abandon it, and I am going back to blogging.  I promise I will post at least once every 3 months or so!  Also, I will try to read blogs if they interest me. I have a short attention span (think reality TV) so I’ll do my best and all.  

I hope to just have some fun and maybe get out some more angst and that sort of thing.  If someone still wants to read, come on over.  I might even wear a patriotic bikini.  



18 responses

  1. […] Just follow the link for fun and adventure.  Or something. […]

  2. I’m sure I just read this on some blog called “Alice Reviews”…

    I’m posting the same comment in both places – implying I read it first on the other blog – to see if it creates some sort of blog-related infinity loop between the two.

    1. We’re gonna have to fly around the sun backwards to reverse this!

    1. Glad to be welcomed, Ruby!

  3. Welcome back to where you belong. Xxx

    1. Hey, I got that “Welcome Back, Kotter” song in my head and I never watched the show.

    1. Yay! We do have the numbers!

  4. […] a different rabbit hole, after having rediscovered her love for her blog and she wondered if we Remember how I said goodbye, forget that. Thank you, Alice, for sharing! I’d already forgotten, but welcome back! […]

  5. Welcome back! You be you–what’s “normal” anyway? I’ve gotten to 53 years without ever finding out!

    1. Let’s hope we don’t!

  6. […] Alice of Alice At Wonderland for Remember How I Said Goodbye. […]

  7. Hi Alice 🙂

    The other day we had a comment chat on my Good Friend post and you said “Now if I can keep posting enough that people remember I’m here again”… so I thought you might enjoy the option/opportunity which passing along blog award nominations offers to go out and say “Hi” to other bloggers…

    So I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. It’s up to you what you do with it. Just let Alice be Alice 🙂

    Here’s a link to my post:

    1. Thanks! I can remember these awards circulating around when I first started years ago, but I have never seen one with such interesting questions! This could be a challenge. 🙂

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