Tag Archives: earworms


The other post was a downer, but I’m feeling better today, cause, Friday.  So I thought I’d share a little horror joy with you guyz with some fun videos!  First up is a holiday favorite, cause you can’t celebrate Christmas too early, can you?   The joy and cheer of shopping till you cry, awful family reunions, and of course, nuclear meltdown.

Next up, because everyone was so excited about “Every Breath You Take” in the last video review post, I decided to post the video of that little romantic ballad about stalking.  And to think he wrote this before stalking became so dreamy in the Twilight series!  A man before his time, Sting.

Okay, and finally, since this IS Friday after all, let’s look at the cute little girl who tried to ruin it all.  Don’t worry, this is the literal version of this little twit’s prodigy’s video, so it is infinitely more bearable.  It’s FRI-DAY, FRI-DAY, you guyz!

Disclaimer: I did not create any of these videos, except the Sting one because he is totally my boyfriend and we are in lurrve so he let me film it even though I think I was in third grade when this song came out.